Category Archives: Blogs

ECU Offering Free Dental Care to Help Graduating Seniors Pass State Board

ECU Offering Free Dental Care to Help Graduating Seniors Pass State Board

photo credit: Shutterstock ECU School of Dental Medicine will be offering free dental care to patients who are interested in participating in the state board exam for graduating seniors. If you qualify to be a patient, not only will you receive treatment for free but you will also help students get hands-on experience. Students must…read more »

High School Football Scores

High School Football Scores

Posted by Keith Combs Edenton-Holmes Aces 49 v. Washington County Panthers 6, Manteo Redskins 41 v. Camden County Bruins 0, Perquimans Pirates 36 v. Gates County Red Barons 30, Southside Seahawks 36 v. Pamlico Hurricanes 53, South Creek Cougars 26 v. Riverside Knights 6, Richlands Wildcats 39 v. Lejeune Devilpups 3, Pender Patriots 6 v.…read more »

Winston-Salem Assisted Living Staff Arrested for Dementia Patient Fight Ring

Winston-Salem Assisted Living Staff Arrested for Dementia Patient Fight Ring

photo credit: Shutterstock What in the world?! Three women at an assisted living community in Winston-Salem, North Carolina have been arrested for encouraging patients to get into fights for their entertainment. Taneshia Deshawn Jordan, Tonacia Yvonne Tyson and Marilyn Latish McKey are being accused of using dementia patients at the facility for fighting ring. The arrest…read more »

Baltimore Congressman Elijah Cummings Passes Away at Age 68

Baltimore Congressman Elijah Cummings Passes Away at Age 68

photo credit: Instagram Baltimore Congressman Elijah Cummings has passed away at the age of 68 from complications concerning longstanding health challenges. Cummings was a key figure in investigating President Donald Trump, as the two were seen over time battling it out. Cummings was also the Chair of the House Oversight and Reform Committee. House Speaker…read more »

Marijuana Breathalyzer Coming Soon!

Marijuana Breathalyzer Coming Soon!

photo credit: ElRoi // Shutterstock The technology for a marijuana breathalyzer is apparently almost ready. Hound Labs, the company making the breathalyzer, says that marijuana is 5x more potent than it was 50 years ago, and people are 3x more likely now to get in an accident after smoking. They say 15 million Americans annually drive within…read more »

83 Babies Rapper Charged with Murder of 9-Year-Old Boy in Durham

83 Babies Rapper Charged with Murder of 9-Year-Old Boy in Durham

photo credit: Shutterstock A member of the North Carolina trio, 83 Babies, has been arrested in connection to the death of 9-year-old Z’Yon Person, back in August. Z’Yon was killed and an 8-year-old was hurt in the shooting near Duke Street and Leon Street in Durham, the night of Sunday, Aug. 18. Person was one of…read more »

High School Football

High School Football

Posted by Keith Combs High School football scores from the ENC Spring Creek Gators 30 v. Bear Grass Charter Bears 36, CB Aycock Falcons 19 v. New Bern Bears 57, JH Rose Rampants 28 v. DH Conley Vikings 35, Eastern Wayne Warriors 50 v. Southern Wayne Saints 20, Lakewood Leopards 21 v. North Duplin Rebels…read more »

Evelyn Lozada Restraining Order for OG Denied

Evelyn Lozada Restraining Order for OG Denied

photo credit: Kathy Hutchins // Shutterstock Evelyn Lozada has filed for a restraining order against her Basketball Wife co-star OG. But the restraining order has been denied due to the fact that Evelyn has already filed a defamation lawsuit against OG, after she called Evelyn a racist bigot. Even if you don’t watch the show, you’ve probably…read more »

Bernie Sanders Cancels Campaign For a Few Days After Emergency Heart Surgery

Bernie Sanders Cancels Campaign For a Few Days After Emergency Heart Surgery

photo credit: Gino Santa Maria // Shutterstock Senator Bernie Sanders has put his presidential campaign on hold after he had undergo emergency heart surgery this week. On Tuesday, while on the road, he experienced chest pains. After seeking medical attention, it was found that the pains were caused by a blockage in one of his arteries. Bernie…read more »

