Category Archives: Blogs

California Prison Will Release 3,500 Inmates Early Due to COVID-19

California Prison Will Release 3,500 Inmates Early Due to COVID-19

photo credit: Dan Henson  // Shutterstock California prisons have decided to release 3,500 prisoners early as officials fear overcrowding will increase the spread of the coronavirus. Those being released are serving terms of nonviolent crimes or people due to be released within 60 days. Being that the state has blocked the transfer of county jail inmates…read more »

Social Distancing Affecting Those Recovering from Substance Abuse

Social Distancing Affecting Those Recovering from Substance Abuse

photo credit: Chinnapong // Shutterstock Social distancing has affected all of us in some way, and for those who are recovering from substance abuse, this can be an even more difficult time. Even for those who are not abusers, this time can cause people to lean more towards alcohol or drugs due to an increase of anxiety…read more »

Da Baby Teases New Music Video with B.Simone (VIDEO)

Da Baby Teases New Music Video with B.Simone (VIDEO)

photo credit: Jamie Lamor Thompson // Kathy Hutchins // Shutterstock On Monday, Comedian B. Simone posted a picture with a mystery man. If you follow B. Simone you know she is always looking for a “boooooyyyyyfriend,” so social media influencers and fans immediately filled up her comments with “congrats” and heart-eyes in excitement.  As for this man, only his…read more »

CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo Tests Positive for Coronavirus

CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo Tests Positive for Coronavirus

photo credit: Ron Adar // Shutterstock The CNN anchor and brother of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Tuesday that he was diagnosed with COVID-19 and quarantined in his home’s basement. “I will do my shows from here,” he wrote in a statement. “We will all beat this by being smart and tough and united.” Cuomo said…read more »

NFL to Air a Game on Nickelodeon to Reach Younger Audience

NFL to Air a Game on Nickelodeon to Reach Younger Audience

photo credit: chrisdorney // Shutterstock During the Wild Card Weekend for the NFL, the NFL has decided it will air a game on Nickelodeon with a separately produced telecast to gear towards a younger audience.  The Wild Card Weekend will be January 9-10th, 2021, with 3 games on Saturday & 3 games on Sunday. CBS will broadcast…read more »

ESPN’s Doris Burke Tests Positive for COVID-19

ESPN’s Doris Burke Tests Positive for COVID-19

photo credit: Leonard Zhukovsky // Shutterstock ESPN NBA analyst Doris Burke has tested positive for the COVID-19 but says that she is symptom-free. Burke has been struggling with the illness for the past 2 weeks after initially having illness concerns and being tested on March 17 but she did not find out until 8 days later. She…read more »

What the $2 Trillion Stimulus Package Means for You

What the $2 Trillion Stimulus Package Means for You

photo credit: ungvar // Shutterstock The House, the Senate and the White House have all agreed on the new $2 trillion stimulus package which means Americans will now be receiving direct checks from the government due to the coronavirus. Individuals who earn $75,000 in adjusted gross income or less would get direct payments of $1,200 each, with…read more »

Texting Tool Launched in NC for Parents to Access Food For Children

Texting Tool Launched in NC for Parents to Access Food For Children

photo credit: Andrew Angelov // Shutterstock Gov. Roy Cooper has announced an app that parents who need food assistance for their children can use. All parents need to do is text FOODNC to 877-877 to locate nearby free meal sites. The service is also available in Spanish by texting COMIDA to 877-877. After entering the address, parents…read more »

North Carolina Now Has 504 Cases of COVID-19, One Death Now Being Reported

North Carolina Now Has 504 Cases of COVID-19, One Death Now Being Reported

photo credit: Kira_Yan // Shutterstock North Carolina health officials now say there are 504 cases of coronavirus across the state, an increase from the 398 cases on Tuesday. The number of cases has steadily moved up since North Carolina announced its first case on March 3. The increase in cases can be connected to the expansion of…read more »

