11 Car Accidents in Greenville in 14 Hours

11 Car Accidents in Greenville in 14 Hours

Anna Grigorjeva

photo credit:  Anna Grigorjeva // Shutterstock

Greenville Police are telling drivers to stay off the roads due to snow and ice on Thursday.

There have been 11 car accidents over a 14 hours time period, from 5:00 pm Wednesday and 7:00 am Thursday. The wrecks were single car; no serious injuries.

Road closures include:
Crestwood from Beaumont to South Overlook
Cotanche from 4th to 5th Street
4th street from Reade to S. Holly
East Wright from S. Wright to Jefferson
River Hills Dr.
Foxhaven Dr.
West 3rd Street between Pitt and Elizabeth Street
East 3rd Street between Summit Street and Reade Circle
Brookgreen Avenue from Elm Street to Longmeadow Drive and Dalebrook Circle

