DJ Danny Ocean & Von Kasey of 101.9 Kiss FM along with IzzY sat down to talk with the #1 Contender for the Deadlock Pro Wrestling World Championship Andrew ‘THE GIANT’ Everett about his upcoming title match against DPW World Champion Calvin Tankman in Raleigh, NC on Sat. Jan 20th at #DPWLive4 ! We also talked about when he got his start in pro wrestling, what being a DPW Original means to him.. and of COURSE you know we had to get him to RUN THAT TOP 5!!! Make sure you like & subscribe to the 3NT Wrestling YouTube page for more! Content may not be suitable for ages under 18*
Our interview with his opponent at DPW Live 4, Calvin Tankman, drops Sat. Jan 13th!
Tickets for DPW’s ‘Double Shot Weekend’ available NOW at