Much love to Skeemonee for hosting and putting together his first Holiday Coat Drive. On Christmas morning from 10am until noon, less fortunate individuals and families showed up at the Friends of the Homeless Shelter, 112 N Independence Street in Kinston. They were able to pick out the coats of their choice and were also blessed with free food and drinks courtesy of Will’s Strictly Turkey.

Editorial Photo Credit: Jane Dough
Skeemonee is a well known public figure in his hometown of Kinston, NC. Skee has been with 101.9 Kiss FM since 2006, covering mornings, afternoons, evenings and weekends. He’s had the title of Street Team Coordinator as well as Mixshow Coordinator. He currently holds down Fridays from 10pm-midnight with DJ P Money and Saturday evenings with DJ Savvy from 7pm-10pm and then from 10pm-midnight with DJ P Money.
Skee is also known for his philanthropic work in his community. However, for the past four years, Skee’s ‘Make A Difference Award’ Ceremony (which takes place in the month of December), honors and presents awards to unrecognized community leaders.
In 2021, Mayor Dontario ‘Don’ Hardy of Kinston, presented Skeemonee with the month of April as ‘New Music Indie Month’ in honor of Skee’s relentless work and support of independent artists and their music.
You can find Skeemonee on Facebook:
Written by: Jane Dough