Give Your Child a Smart Start with Martin-Pitt Partnership for Children!

Give Your Child a Smart Start with Martin-Pitt Partnership for Children!

Chadae J went to visit a great nonprofit organization in Greenville. Executive director, Sharon Cooper, immediately welcomed me with open arms. Walking in and seeing countless amount of resources to prepare your child for school instantly gave me a sense of hope. Each year, the Partnership invests over $2.6 million into children birth through five in Martin and Pitt Counties by funding programs in quality early child care and learning, assistance finding child care services, parent and family support, health care, child care provider training, and early literacy. The staff who range from Parent Educators to budget managers have built a solid foundation in making education more accessible to those ages 0-5.Their resources include but not limited to a lending library and resource room, child care referrals, child care health consultants, QUEST (Quality, Education, Support, & Training), and Nurse-Family Partnerships. Due to COVID-19, they haven’t been able to have the community in house, however, they haven’t stopped reaching out to the community. This organization is currently raising money to buy vans so they can transport supplies to both Martin and Pitt counties. If you need assistance or woudl like to be a part of the change, visit their site below for more information.

Source: Home | Martin-Pitt Partnership for Children | Eastern NC (

