A new study released this month by researchers claim that people who have suffered with severe COVID-19 cases, may be affected long term on their brain causing those to age by 10 years mentally. Studies coming from the UK analyzed the test data of more than 84,000 participants who took the Great British Intelligence Test and were suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19. The ages that were tested in this study that have been shown a decline was between ages 20-70 years of age. The cognitive decline could be the result of other health events that are thought to be associated with COVID-19 such as stoke, inflammatory syndrome and microbleeds. The study has not yet been peer-reviewed. Though the research is flawed and more of a theory, some scientists say that the study’s results should be viewed cautiously. A professor of medical imaging science at University of London stated, “As researchers seek to better understand the long term impact of COVID, it will be important to further investigate the extent to which cognition is impacted in the weeks and months after the infection, and whether permanent damage to brain function results in some people.”
Severe COVID-19 Cases May Have Affected Your Mental Health!