While on Facebook, I came across a vendor expo that was happening in Windsor over the weekend. Being a person who loves to support local business and people who create businesses doing what they love, I decided to pop up and do some shopping myself.
There were over 20 vendors selling all types of products like makeup, homemade natural skin care, jewelry, clothing, nail care, candles, custom phone cases, custom wine glasses, yoni steams and more. There was even some good, homemade food for sale.
Holding events like this is something all communities should do. Showcasing the local business owners, keeping the money local instead of in big corporations. If there is ever a time I can switch to a local business’s product rather than buying from a big business, I will and most recently have been switching more.
Check out of the picture and businesses from Saturdays event.
Fuzzy Creations by Shekinah
Melanin Creations by Chawntel Stanley (Facebook: Chawntel Stanley)
Thee Simply Me by Michele Bell (IG & Facebook @theesimplyme)
Color Street by Natalie Noble (Facebook @Natalie’s Nail ala Mode)
Rossie La’Kel Collection
Indulge Aesthetics by Tasha Cofield (IG @indulge_aesthetics)
Pink Zebra by Charlotte Johnson
Pink Daisy Beauty Products by Danielle Briscoe (IG & Facebook @pynkdaisy)
Rashona Dolberry with Total Life Changes
Melting Treats by Tonetta Jo (IG & Facebook @meltingtreatsstudio)
Dripping Beauty Tingg (Facebook & IG @drippinbeautytingz)
Scentsy with Breanna Mull