Celebrating National CROWN Day

Celebrating National CROWN Day

Michae Allen

photo credit: Michae Allen // Shutterstock

July 3rd has become National CROWN Day across the country, “a day of solidarity for the human rights of Black women, men, and children to wear their natural hair boldly, and proudly, without the fear of being discriminated against in school or the workplace,” as it reads on The Crown Act website.

To help push the CROWN Act into law, you can sign a petition or send a letter to your state and federal legislators using a template on Dove.com, a supporter of the CROWN Act.

The petition to “Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair,” the meaning behind C.R.O.W.N., has 84,071 of the 100,000 signature goal. When signing the petition, you stand in solidarity to “ensure protection against discrimination based on race-based hairstyles by extending statutory protection to hair texture and protective styles such as braids, locs, twists, and knots in the workplace and public schools.”

Learn more about National CROWN Day and the CROWN Act at www.thecrownact.com.

Written by Clarke Jones


