photo credit: Purple Anvil // Shutterstock
The idea of condoms changing colors when they come in contact with an STD or STI has been talked about for awhile now, but no one has actually done it. We may be getting a little closer to such a product.
Two 14-year-olds and one 13-year-old proposed the idea for the condom and won the top prize in the U.K.;s TeenTech Awards. According to the Washington Post,
There would be antibodies on the condom that would interact with the antigens of STDs, causing the condom to change colors depending on the disease…For instance, if the condom were exposed to chlamydia, it might glow green — or yellow for herpes, purple for human papilloma virus and blue for syphilis.
A few questions have still gone unanswered. Like will the condom detects an STD in both the partner and user? What happens if more than one STD is present?
Just a few kinks to work out, but definitely a good idea!
Written by Clarke Jones
Source: TIME