Global Climate Strike Taking Place Today

Global Climate Strike Taking Place Today

By Alexandros Michailidis

photo credit: Alexandros Michailidis // Shutterstock

On Friday, thousands of students from across 100 countries plan to walk out of class to protest the lax government action on climate change. The strikes started in Australia and New Zealand with students marching in front of government buildings, chanting and hold signs that read, “Change the politics. Not the climate.”

Today, in the US, there are expected to be walk outs in almost every state, being called one of the largest environmental protest in history.

If human-generated greenhouse gas emissions continue how they are, by 2030, the planet will reach a critical threshold. Global warming at those temperatures would put the planet at a greater risk of events like extreme drought, wildfires, floods and food shortages for hundreds of millions of people, according to the IPCC report.

The strike today is calling for the reduction of greenhouse has emissions.

Written by Clarke Jones

