Kevin Jackson Fox News Contributor Fired After Calling Brett Kavanaugh Accusers ‘Lying Skanks’ on Twitter

Kevin Jackson Fox News Contributor Fired After Calling Brett Kavanaugh Accusers ‘Lying Skanks’ on Twitter

Photo Credit: SlayStorm // Shutterstock

Kevin Jackson Fox News contributor was fired at the network after attacking the women who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault. According to the New York Daily News, “Kevin Jackson went on a Twitter tirade Thursday during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, attacking Christine Blasey Ford and the two other women who have some gone public with claims about the Supreme Court justice nominee.”

He tweeted, “Feminists are their own worst enemies and enemy of women, Also, they want men to NEVER be believed. I’m not succumbing. TO HELL with the notion that women must be believed no matter what. Lying skanks is what these 3 women are, and we ALL know more.”

Fox News has reported to the Daily News that Kevin had been fired from his gig as a contributor following his tweets. A spokesperson for Fox News said, “His comments on today’s hearings were reprehensible and do not reflect the values of FOX News.”

Source: New York Daily News

Written By: Fantasia Harvey

