Photo Credit: Evan El-Amin // Shutterstock
Donalt Trump has beef with ESPN. He has launched a petition to try and get the network to play the national anthem during “Monday Night Football” broadcast.
Jimmy Pitaro, ESPN president says, “We generally have not broadcasted the anthem and I don’t think that will change this year.” Trump was obvisuoucly upset that he sent an email to all his supporters announcing that he’s started a petition to get the “star Spangled Banner” on TV.
According to TMZ the email from Trump’s camp stated, “Just after we heard a sitting governor trash America, ESPN has not decided it will no longer play the National Anthem before Monday Night Football. If America’ is too offensive for anyone in our country, then what are we going in America. I’m calling on you to join me in denouncing this SPINLESS surrender to the politically correct liberal mob. I was the first person to sign this petition. Now I need you to follow my lead and be the second.”
On Tuesday at a rally in West Virgnina Trump began railing against ESPN. He has made it clear on where he stands – he wants to fire any player who does not stand for the entire song.
Source: TMZ
Written By: Fantasia Harvey