Photo Credit: DutchMen // Shutterstock
John Schnatter, the founder of Papa John’s is in hot water for allegedly using the N-word during a sensitivity training call back in May. The remark reportedly occurred on a call with marketing agency Laundry Service. Based on an article from Forbes, Schnatter was on a call with a marketing agency when he tried to downplay comments he made about the National Football League and allegedly saying, “Colonel Sanders called black n****a.” and complained that the KFC founder never faced public backlash.
Schnatter was asked how would he distance himself from racist rhetoric online? He revived the debate over players kneeling in protest during the national anthem. Also, Schnatter blames the NFL for the drop in pizza sales. Papa John has released a statement stating, “we condemn racism and any incentive language, no matter the situation or setting. Our company was built on a foundation of mutual respect and acceptance…We take great pride in the diversity of Papa John’s family through diversity inclusion.”
Written By: Fantasia Harvey